Friday, October 3, 2008

Chapter Eleven ~ Very far, very far, over land and sea

"Can I get some help, like a cop car or something? Yes. I'm at that quiet place in the woods. Yes. Jared? No it's Jareth the... what was it? Goblin king? Yeah. Uhuh. Yes and the guy from Tokio hotel. Tom Kaulitz. No wait! I mean Bill Kaulitz. Yeah Bill Kaulitz. And Serj Tankian. Uhuh, I'll hold. Hi. Well, no, that wouldn't be a problem but... no you don't understand. What? Yes, well, they're having it out on my lawn. Sorry? No! They're attacking each other with gardening utensils. Well, one's got a spade, and there's another with a rake and OH HOLY MOSES JARETH'S GOT A WHEELBARROW. Yes, on my lawn. I'll hold."


"But if I can't turn my corn into whisky, how am I supposed to sell my corn?" Paolo asked, big furry spotted paws on his hips.

"No one complains about the alcaholization of your corn product. But you can't sell it to the lawn gnomes." The police officer poked him.

"But they're lawn gnome substitutes. And they're so funny when they're drunk. Plus, money is money."

"Do you have a liscence to sell alcohol to lawn gnomes?" The officer asked.

"I think I must have left it in my other overalls," Paolo laughed nervously.

"Sir, you're a leopard..."

"Look! It's a distraction!"

The police officer turned his fat bald head around and sure enough, the first thing he was distracted by was a distraction. "Egads," he said, shiny fish eyes bulging out of his head, "Did that thing just crawl out of the mines?" He turned around again but Paolo was already sprinting as fast as he could in the other direction, as fast as his leopardy paws could carry him, away from the nameless thing that made its nameless way out of the mines of learning.

"Why, I've never seen anything like it in my life..." he said, as it came closer. It licked its jaws, and with a coarse, hairy brown flipper it scratched its moustache. Its beady black eyes were filled with anger, and malice, and patronization. The officer gaped in horror as it loomed over him, a dark shadow of marine sovereignty. "What... what is that thing?"

"I AM THE WALRUS." The creature threw back its mighty tusks, and let out a howl like that of nine banshees and a harpy (By the way, remember kids don't run away from anything immortal. It just draws their attention. Refer to the works of our immortaliality expert Peter S. Beagle for details).

AWC: But I thought there was no more Peter S. Beagle for me...
Narrator: Yeah... well... you're allergic.
AWC: I am? Coool... unicorn allergies...
Narrator: Yup. But you're also allergic to environmentalists.
AWC: *sneeze* Oh my gosh that makes so much sense! Hello? Could somebody please get Serj Tankian off my lawn?
Shadow the angry wolf who thinks he's an owl: I'd be too happy to oblige. Heh heh heh...
AWC: Oh yeah, but Shadow, you can't do that just yet.
Shadow: And why not?
AWC: There's an oozing walrus there at the moment.
Shadow: Okay. Should I contact the pirates?
AWC: No. Just go back to whatever it was you were doing.
Shadow: This would never have happened if it weren't for cave rat allergies...
AWC: *sneeze* And environmentalist allergies...

AWC stumbled over her un-welcome mat out onto her lawn, just in time to see the nice police officer who tried to get Paolo's whiskey liscence get devoured by the walrus. The walrus gave out a cataclysmic belch that killed many of AWC's lovely violet and yellow irises. "No!" She cried, as the force of the resulting gale knocked her backwards a few steps. "No more flower death! ACHOO! Oh great. Now I'm allergic to myself..."

"I'll save you!" The attractive German from Tokio Hotel cried, as he ran at the walrus and sprang upon its back. The German looked rather intimidating thanks to the incredible force of his hair, which was like a great flailing mace of spikes and death whenever he headbutted the creature.

"This must be the government's doing!" Serj Tankian yelled, picking up his piano and throwing it at the walrus's soft and vulnerable underbelly. "The sky is over for YOU, mister walrus!"

"Ah but you can't defeat my crack dream labyrinth of vortexy puzzling death!" Jareth the goblin king proclaimed, and began shaking his hips. "Yeah! That's right! Dance magic dance!"

Suzumebachi: I think I'm in love...
AWC: Well, elvis sure's got nothin on him.
Suzumebachi: I've just got to say he's pretty rad...
AWC: Go on. Steal the British guy off my lawn. I prefer Germans anyway.
Suzumebachi: I think I will.
AWC: Everyone's an anglophile. Yeah. But he was actually on your lawn all along. I just stole him in the middle of the night. By the way it's way harder to kidnap British people than lawn gnomes.
Suzumebachi: Hey. I have friends who are lawn gnomes.
AWC: It's not my place to judge.
Lemony: You are my sweeeeetest love...

Meanwhile, thanks to the combined efforts of Bill's hair, Serj's environmentalism, and Jareth's rad dance moves, the walrus was soon no more.

AWC smiled. "Bill's hair... four million dollars."
Suzumebachi nodded. "Jareth's dancing, 70000 euros..."
Shadow laughed and bared his fangs. "Getting to eat an environmentalist, priceless."

Lemony: With you, I'm always meant to be...


Admin said...

Would Lemony's lines have anything at all to do with the fantastic "Schnuffle Bunny Song"? ;p

Bethedee said...

I don't know. Why don't you ask him?

The Pirate Queen said...


Sara was crazy to take her little brother over him.

I'm just sayin'.