Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Chapter Twenty, Part Two - I Could Hear the Siren Sound

"So what do you do here?" The kid with the raccoon ears, Jimmy, asked. He had a canvas set up against a tree beside him, and he was painting the way the river under the zen pagoda moved. Quickly, like the approaching end of a good book (Narrator: think Bel Canto), slowly, like watching the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, minutes becoming hours, until you look at your watch, and realize it's time to say "good morning, guys," to your friends in the theater seats next to you.

"That's one bridge I plan on crossing when I get to it," AWC replied. She didn't really have any painting skills herself, so she was braiding the long yellow hair of her new muse, Sunny. Sunny wasn't as hyper as Sally, which made AWC sad, but she seemed relatively happy.

Jimmy paused at the comment. It was an answer he did not expect. He shrugged and dipped his paintbrush back into the water.

"So, best soundtrack ever?" AWC wondered if she could lug her typewriter outside. She decided she couldn't and began making leaf jewelery instead.

Jimmy paused and tried to decide. "This makes my head hurt."

"Ow, yeah, you're right," AWC said.

"I brought muffins!" The Wallaby was hopping up the dirt trail. "Who wants muffins? I have chocolate chip muffins, and blueberry muffins, and other types of delicious muffinosity I baked myself, in the hot roasty climates of my homeland!" He grinned merrily. "Australia!"

AWC stared at the muffins. She, like all the other forest critters, knew that the greatest baker of muffins there ever was, ever in the history of forever, etcetera, etcetera, was the wallaby. "Muffins..... wait," her eyebrows raised. "Are you trying to bribe me into finishing the book you lent me so I can return it?"

"Um..." The wallaby looked at the ground. "Well..."

"I'm sorry, it's just that I started Bel Canto, and it really is one of those attention grabbers," AWC clutched a fistful of empty air. "See? Grabs the attention. Like this."

The wallaby pouted. "But I'm tired of reading horrible fanfiction on the internet..."

"Ooh! Ooh! Harry and Hermione forever!" AWC exclaimed.

"You sick, twisted infidel..." Jimmy shook his head.

"They had chemistry. Do you know how I know?" AWC folded her arms.

"Uh... no. Why." Jimmy asked.

"Because I know I'm like Hermione and I'd never go out with Ron! It just wouldn't happen!"

"But you'd go out with Harry?" The wallaby asked skeptically. "Isn't he like, the definition of angsty?"

"No, he's mangsty," AWC said. "That's like, four times more manly than angsty."

"More like three, at best," Jimmy argued.

"Oh it's definitely four," AWC laughed, "at the very least."

"We could always ask that guy from Mulan..." the wallaby mused. "I think he lives on the suzumebachi's lawn."

"No need, I'm leaving anyway." The awc stood up and grabbed Dorian, who had been trying to catch a fish by casting his zipper out into the river, without success. He hadn't been clever when he was a vampire, and he wasn't clever now. "I have to go be hopelessly lost. I told Paolo I'd stop by his foresty habitat, and I forget where it is."

"Oh," Jimmy said. "I think you take a left at the first break in the trees... and then..."

"Er, I'll be fine," AWC interrupted. "But I've really got to go."

"Me too," Jimmy said, standing up as well. "I've got to get back to my own forest."

"Your own forest?" AWC was puzzled. "For... how long? Why?"

"A little while at least. It's my forest. You know?" Jimmy looked around. "The worst that ever happens to your mindfriends here is Narcissa may split them into an evil side, or a silver dog may spontaneously attack. In my forest, most of the creatures are high."

"High?" The wallaby asked. "I don't understand..."

"Yeah, what do you mean?" AWC asked.

"Er... it's not going to make sense to you. But I've got to go home. I'll visit again, though."

And with that, he stepped into the river, where Narcissa had placed the portal. As he disappeared, various random items came flying out of the river, much to the startlement of AWC and the wallaby. They yelled and ran around in frightened circles while the cyclone of items flew around them.

"Augh!" The wallaby yelled as a knife flew toward his face.

"Got it!" AWC grabbed it out of the air. "Oooh, shiny."

It was, indeed, a shiny knife, with a scorpion pattern on the side. "This is oddly reminiscent of Princess Mononoke, do you not think so?"

"I think..." the wallaby choked as the storm died down and the woods grew quiet again. "this forest is absolutely insane."

Suddenly, without warning, the entire forest became pitch black. The sounds of frightened woodland creatures muttering to one another grew louder and more frantic, squirrels scolding, 'you should have paid the electric bill, you should have paid the electric bill...' owls questioning 'who, who, who could have done this?' drunken raccoons falling over one another in fits of giggles wondering 'where have all the stars gone?'


A glowy white fantome strongly resembling a young african american male with the head of an angry lion, and huge hairy paws with claws like daggers rose up out of the darkness. AWC stood trembling as she watched the white head turn slowly her direction, it's bulging yellow eyes shining in the light of the newly appeared full moon.


"AWC!" the wallaby hissed. "AWC! It's the ghost... the spirit of... the THRILLER!"

"Run! Runnn!" AWC pushed the wallaby into action as she herself also began to sprint away from the creature. "Darn it! I can't believe that something crazy and evil attacks the minute that Narcissa and her Shadow are in Euroland, Shadow's gone to wolfy boot camp, and Jimmy left me with nothing but this really sharp and probably dangerous weapon!" She looked down at the knife. "Wait..."

The wallaby hopping against her protested. "Violence won't fix this!"

"But what do we do? It's swooping closer!" AWC exclaimed. Truly, the beast was close behind them.

"We have to dance, AWC! It's the only way!"

"I can't learn the thriller!!!" AWC said, "Especially under such stress!"

"It's easy," Moe the Giraffe said, appearing out of the shoulders. "First, you put your right arm up and out, then put your right leg out. Remember to keep your limbs all limp and spooky looking!"

The wallaby followed his directions. "Next," Moe said, "Bring them back in, and move out your left arm and leg this time!"

~ ~ ~

Jack the thief was strolling through the darkend woodlands. He was always so used to operations of stealth taking place in darkness, that the forest blackout didn't bother him one bit. His friend, on the other hand, a large strip of bacon with a face, arms, and legs, was very frightened by the darkness. Most animals are sort of fond of bacon... it's kind of delicious.

"I heard it something over here," Jack said, fairly sure of himself.

"Are you sure of yourself?" The piece of bacon asked.

"Why yes."

"Okay." The bacon wasn't really a complainer, so he just went with it.

Soon, the two creatures could see a hazy light coming from a clearing in the forest. They heard the rhythm of the music, and were mildly alarmed by its intensity. "What is this?" Jack asked, as he pushed through the trees, the piece of bacon tagging along.

The sight that met them was a disturbing one. All of the creatures in the Heavenly forest were alligned in some sort of psychotic dance formation, twisting and shaking to the rhythm of what only can be described as the spirit of the thriller. Meanwhile, the actual spirit of the thriller, a phantom in a tight black leather ensemble, was hovering above them, watching curiously as they tried to replicate epic dancedom.

Jack proceded to freak out, running around in circles, while the bacon found a place in the bushes to hide. "Who's going to save us?" Jack asked, very upset. "The ghost of Michael Jackson is forcing all my good friends to abandon reason and sense and just dance!"

"Gonna be ok..." the bacon sang.

"Da da doo doo," Jack chorused.

"Wait," the bacon said, "I'm pretty sure someone's missing."

"You're right," Jack said, "the suzumebachi. Usually she's not all that far away from AWC. But I don't see her or her animated rabbit doll anywhere!"

Suddenly, the spotlights that had been swinging around the clearing fixed upon a target on the top of one of the taller trees. Some shape crouched there, fangs bared, eyes red with fury. It had two big arms on either side of its body, and one huge muscular arm coming out of its back. "IT IS I," the creature said, "TRI-ARM THE DESTROYER. AND I WILL DESTROY THIS MOCKERY OF A BEAT!"

With that, the thing leapt from the tree and onto the back of Michael Jackson's ghost. They fell to the ground and wrestled for a while. Tri-arm was pretty good at wrestling, due to the extra limb. Everytime Tri-arm got knocked onto the back, they used their arm to push them back up again. Michael Jackson's claws and fangs were no matched for Tri-arm's, and soon, the ghost was immortally wounded. "Billie Jean," the ghost choked with its last breath, "is not... my lover..." and with that, he disappeared.

"HAIL TRI-ARM!" Tri-arm yelled, raising fists into the air victoriously. "RAAAAAH"

The ground beneath him parted, and he leapt into the chasm, which soon closed up again.

All the creatures sat down immediately; they were tired of dancing. AWC glared at the wallaby. "I thought you said that violence couldn't fix this!"

The wallaby laughed nervously. "Yeah, well, I was just trying to be an advocate for peace. It's not my fault!" He was met by the disapproving glances of many a creature. "Rachel challenged me! I had no choice but to accept!"

"The... nevermore... moral of the story is?" Raven the raven asked, stretching out his tired talons.

"Why the heck didn't I just stab the guy?" AWC said, staring at Jimmy's knife, which she still had clutched in her palm.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Chapter Twenty ~ Now my feet won't touch the ground

AWC's brow furrowed with intense concentrationalism. She had made the decision that morning, at 12:03 AM, to get off of her lazy rear and actually write something.

Narrator: Wait... has it stricken anyone as odd that the Anonymous.Writer.Character hasn't actually written anything within these past nineteen chapters?

Producer: Argh! Stop asking questions! The plot-holes are veiled thinly enough as it is!

Narrator: I was just trying to be inquisitive. That's supposedly the key to happiness. Staying inquisitive.

"There... was a boy..." AWC started to sing, as she typed. "A very strange enchanted boy... they say he wandered very faaaar..."

"AWC!" The suzumebachi buzzed into the zen pagoda through the front door. "Stop singing! It's interfering with my buzzing!"

"I'm sorry," AWC said. "It's just, sitting at a typewriter... I was overcome with song!"

"That's the worst excuse I've ever heard," the suzumebachi said. "And I told you not to watch Moulin Rouge. That movie makes you sob for hours and hours, and forest floods are extremely unpleasant to those of us who can't fly!" She looked across the room where Lemony was sleeping on the couch cushion, with Florence perched watchfully on the armrest. "Like your rabbit."

"I think all movies make me cry." AWC hummed and considered. "Wait... there has to be some movie that doesn't make me cry. Oh yeah. Star Wars."

"No, you cried during Star Wars!"

"Tears of boredom don't count," AWC replied.

There was a knock on the door. Florence leapt into the air in a flurry of feathers, and flew straight at the door. "I'll get it! I'll get it!"

Lemony woke with a start, then dashed at the door as well. "No I'll get it!"

Florence and Lemony stopped at the threshold. They remembered then that the zen pagoda didn't actually have a door, just a spacious opening in an elegantly carved doorframe. Doors themselves aren't very zen. Doorways, on the other hand...

"It's the dragon lady!" The critters exclaimed simultaneously.

Neck curled down awkwardly so that she could see into the little zen pagoda, the dragon lady called out. "AWC, are you there, AWC?"

AWC got up from her typewriter and slowly, determinedly approached the zen doorway. "What are you doing here, Loretta?"

"I just came to tell you we're throwing a party of intense awesomeosity to celebrate our daring escape from the mines!" The dragon lady grinned. "It's going to be a wonderful party, the entire forest is invited. There will be food, there will be beverage, there will be musical chairs and Mr. Blue heron's going to cheat, just like he always does!"

"Oh wonderful!" AWC exclaimed, "I love being shoved off of chairs by egotistical avians!"

"I know," the dragon lady agreed, "It'll be just like old times."

"Let's go on a walk and compose the guest list," AWC said.

The dragon lady and the rabbit girl headed out into the deep dark forest. One by one, they encountered all of their heavenly forest friends, who agreed to attend the festivities, including the highly respected, greatly beloved pirate queen. Unfortunately, Shadow the angry wolf had to pupsit on that day, the tome of superiority was in hiding, Forget-me-not was in Alligator City, and Jack the thief was busy with a mission stealing some sort of gem from some mysterious cavern in some location in the middle of elsewhere.

"I think that's everyone," AWC said, checking off the box next to Moe's name. The two were on the sandy path that lead to the zen pagoda, their mission nearly completed. "Wait, stop!"

The dragon lady looked around the path. "Why? What?"

AWC beckoned Loretta to follow, and went off the path across the grass, to a little sandy place by the ever flowing zen river. "We must pay our respects," AWC said, kneeling in the grass.

"To... oh..." Loretta realized. There was a marble slab on a tiny grave, with the name Sally scribbled across in pink sharpie.

"WHY, Sally, WHY?" AWC said, sobbing, rolling over off her knees and lying flat facedown in the grass. "You were so young, so beautiful. Oh, Sally... you were the best muse I've ever had. I first listened to Interpol on you, and together we discovered the wonders of Coheed and Cambria..."

"Coheed and Cambria?" Loretta made a face. "Seriously?"

"Is there no world for tomorrow, if we wait for today?" AWC sang softly.

"There is... something wrong with you." Loretta shook her dragony head disappointedly.

"Excuse me, crying lady and scary dragon?" a small raccoon peered out from behind the tombstone.

"YOU!" AWC growled. "This grave belongs to Sally! My beautiful muse!"

"I'm sorry," the raccoon looked very scared. It could have been because of AWC's harsh tone, or it could have been because there was a large dragon with fangs and claws peering curiously down at it. Whatever reason, the raccoon began trembling. "It's just... I'm lost!"

"Awww, poor little raccoon..." the dragon cooed maternally. "What's your name, small one?"

"Nancy," the raccoon sniffed. "I lost my kid!"

"Come on, Loretta, it's obviously lying. Do you seriously believe there's a random raccoon kid running around this vast forest that we don't know about?" AWC folded her arms. She felt a little foolish for scolding the poor raccoon, and so she was pouting.

"This isn't my forest... my forest is darker, and all the animals are different, and there's not a giraffe, and the cabin we live in is there!" the raccoon said. "I'm not lying, honest. It's a little peaceful cabin, in the middle of the Painter's Forest!"

"A small home in the middle of a big forest." AWC frowned. "Sounds really, really familiar. Should we trust it?"

"I don't know," Loretta said. "How did you get here?"

"I chased a white stag..." the raccoon shrugged. "It was pretty... I thought Jimmy could paint it!"

"Who's Jimmy?" AWC asked.

"My kid!" The raccoon was getting more and more anxious.

"What's up?" Narcissa appeared spontaneously between Loretta and AWC. "I could sense the gathering of like minds and I just had to stop by. How are my darling friends?" She was grinning slyly, so Loretta and AWC were reluctant to discuss current events with her, uncertain if this was Narcissa or Narcissa's shadow. "Oh my glider!" Narcissa gasped. "Nancy, what are you doing here?"

"Narccy!" the raccoon jumbed up into Narcissa's arms. "I'm so glad you're here! I'm lost, and there's this dragon, and this girl who looks like kind of like Jimmy only she's alot, alot, alot, alot alot more grumpy..."

"I'm not grumpy..." AWC said. She leaned in to whisper to Loretta. "Loretta, am I grumpy?"

"You were grieving. It's ok. I forgive you," Loretta replied.

"So how do you know... Nancy, was it?" AWC asked.

"Oh, I go between forests. Because I know absolutely everyone." She smiled slyly again. "I've got everybody typed... and then I typed up their types. I can get inside pretty much anyone's head."

"Can you take Nancy home?" AWC asked.

"Not really," Narcissa said. "I think Jimmy has to come get her."

"How will he know what world she's in?" Loretta asked.

"Easy. He's like us. He should be able to sense our gathering just like I could. Then, I'm sure I can open up a portal he can come through. You guys take Nancy to the zen pagoda, while I try that. Poor creature could use some peace."

"I don't know..." AWC said. "Narcissa, the only creature besides my mindpets who ever go in there is Suzumebachi, and she's my sister... I don't even know..."

The raccoon looked up at her with big, sparkly masked eyes.

"Uh..." AWC groaned. "Okay, come on." She held out her arms for creature.

Nancy looked cautiously up at Narcissa, who nodded reassuringly, and the raccoon leapt into AWC's arms. "Alack!" AWC exclaimed. "Heavy! Oof!"

"Hurry back once you drop her off," Narcissa said, "We need to all be here together to get Jimmy to appear."

"She's right," Loretta chuckled. "We need to harness the power of three. I call being Piper."

"Ooh! I'm Pru. She's powerful," Narcissa smiled.

"Ack that makes me Phoebe... AWC groaned again. "Dude..."

"Haha, your powers SUCK!" The dragon lady stuck out her tongue.

"Maybe I won't come back!" AWC exclaimed. Nancy tensed in AWC's arms. "No, no, it's ok, I was just kidding." AWC sighed. "Come on. Oh, and you'd better be nice to Lemony."

To Be Continued...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chapter Nineteen ~ Love lifts us up where we belong!

None of the creatures would ever suspect what lurked deep within the shadier reasons of the Heavenly forest. Hidden from the eyes of the common furry woodland creatures, hidden by foliage, by darkness, by weather and time, was a creature older than even than the walrus, the silver dog, or even the narrator...

Narrator: ....I'm not old. Just youthfully challenged. Hmph.

Hmm, well anyway, this thing, would at this time venture away from its place in the recesses of forestliness, to prey upon the best loved half human ever to walk the winding paths... our own AWC...


The rabbit winced and massaged his long furry ears. "I really wish she wouldn't yell so much."

Florence snorted. "I just wish she'd remember I exist every now and then!"

"Lemony!" AWC came running into the zen pagoda, skidding across the zen pagoda floor in her besocked feet and colliding head first with a wall. "Ouch! Help!"

The rabbit hopped over to assist, while the owl stayed put, turning his beak/nose to the ceiling. "Well she didn't ask me to help," he said.

AWC righted herself, and both owl and rabbit could see that in her arms she had a tightly wrapped tissue paper package. "Look! I brought a new friend!! He's going to live with us now."

Lemony sniffed the tissue paper. "What is it?" he asked.

The tissue paper exploded into a thousand little bits that rained on the floor all around them, startling the rabbit while sending it flying backwards, hitting the owl, and propelling both into the air. The glass coffee table broke their fall.

Where the tissue paper package had been, there was now an elegant Italian leather handbag. "Aww," AWC poked it and smiled. "It's playing." The bag zipped and unzipped itself, muttering a low growl. "Aren't you a cutie? Yes you are... yes, yes you are..."

"I don't LIKE IT," Lemony complained, rubbing a bruised rabbit foot. That can't be good luck.

"Nor do I!" Florence said, forgetting about his insecurity issues to advocate the removal of the dangerous accessory.

"It's not an IT," AWC corrected, stroking the handle of the currently muttering purse. "HIS name is Dorian," she smiled. "Yay..."

"WHY are you YAYING that... that..." Lemony shuddered.

The handbag growled at the rabbit.

"Dorian! Play nice!" AWC stood up. "Lemony, Florence, watch Dorian. I've promised to meet up with Jack and Shadow this afternoon and if I'm late both will be displeased."

"I'll get the choke chain," the owl hooted and flew out a window.

"I'll find the vinegar spray," Lemony replied and hopped into the kitchen.

"Such dramatic mindpets," AWC shook her head. "No matter." She picked up the violent purse and kissed it. "Farewell lil Dorian! Mommy will be back soon."

AWC read over the letter again. "That's great, Shadow."

"Great? It doesn't make a bit of sense. Then again, neither do you. No wonder you understand it." Shadow the angry wolf rolled his eyes.

Jack the theif rubbed his mask thoughtfully. "They want to train you to lead your own wolf pack. It's an honor, isn't it?"

"YES, but," Shadow glared at Jack, "I'm an OWL. You know, fly, kill mice, dole out wisdom to less intelligent woodland creatures." He looked from AWC to Jack.

"NO!" AWC clawed at her face and ears. "Noooo..."

The wolf and the thief both stared. "Uh..." they simultaneously questioned in a nonverbal manner.

"Continue," AWC said. "You weren't done ranting, Shadow."

"But you..." Jack started. He shook his head vigorously. "Nevermind."

"Yes..." Shadow's eyes narrowed. "Nevermind..."

"So you're going?" AWC asked.

"Of course I'm going. If they want an owl to lead a wolf pack, what can I say?" He shrugged his furry shoulders which he thought were feathery. "I guess the wolves just aren't cutting it these days."

"You'll be great, Shadow," AWC and Jack both encouraged. "When do you go?"

"In a month or two," The wolf said. "Before I leave I'll have to take care of some business I guess. I don't want the gnomes to have another coup. They try to do that everytime I leave." He shook his head. "I'm surrounded by nonsense and rebellious lawn gnomes. Also, there's Narcissa. She's a troublemaker. She's begun cloning all her favorite television actors so she can have her own army of rampant attractiveosity."

Jack and AWC stared blankly.

"I know. Come to think of it," Shadow rose to his feet, "I should start now."

"Let us help!" Jack said, "I'm sure I could stop Narcissa's army with my robin hood archery skills," he posed an imaginary arrow in an imaginary bowstring, and released. "Pyu! Pyu pyu!"

"Yes, and I could stop the coup by filling every gnome's head with doubt and self-loathing!" AWC grinned. "Suppress the proletariat!!! SUPPRESSS"

"That's enough suppression for you," Shadow said, rolling his eyes again. He really does that quite alot. "Just please don't get into any unreasonable amounts of trouble, okay? I'll see you guys later." With that, he skulked off into the forest.

"Do you think Big Brother heard me?" Jack cringed.

"I sure hope he heard me," AWC smiled. "What a good citizen I am."

"Aren't you an anarchist?" Jack asked.

"No! It's not true Big Brother, honest!" AWC dove underneath a nearby bush. "No!!! Only bad people are anarchists! Like... like... rabid dogs and walruses..."

"Did somebody say Big Brother?" The local friendly wallaby hopped over to the thief and the cowering anonymous writer. In his paws he held a clipboard... to the shock and horror of Jack and AWC, he began to sing.

Would you loan a rebellious fist?
To bring down big bad brother?

Only have to sign your name,
And recommend five others...

Could you help? Please?
What about thee?

At the end of this song, AWC started a slow clap, only to have her hand stopped by Jack. "AWC," he said, "Don't forget. We're shocked and horrified."

"Oh yes, I forgot." AWC laughed nervously. "I love America. Really I do. If I lived in it, I would be really happy I'm sure. But I don't. I live in a magical forest. With other... um... ideas..." She nervously wrung her rabbitears.

"Did someone say America?" Paolo the foreigner snow leopard entered the clearing with a scowl on his face. "Boo. I'm an anglophile. Like all the cool chaps. Wot wot. I like Skins." He sat down next to AWC, then noticing the wallaby, stood up again. "Is that a petition? Is it for a liberal cause?"

"Yes..." the wallaby looked hopeful. "Do you suppose you could sign...?"

"I regret that I do not have poseable thumbs." The snow leopard shrugged. "Sorry, mate."

"There's bad news Paolo," AWC said. "Shadow's going to go away to leadership land, and we'll be lacking in the typical common sense faculties for an extended period of time." She hmmed and frowned. "Actually," she said, "nevermind. I'm quite used to this and so I don't believe it qualifies as bad newsdom."

"Actually," Paolo's eyes lit up, "I sense oncoming liberalism... yaaay... libbeeerrraaaaaallliiiissssm..."

"All I sense is medicinal M-J," Mary-anne the maneater said, jumping out of a nearby bush. Maneaters frequent bushes. It's good cover. It covers them from the prying eyes of men who do not want to be eaten. Thanks to the bushes, they think they're safe. They lie out on beach towels, happily trying to tan in the dark forest. Then comes the maneater. Then she eats them. They're delicious.

Narrator: Sorry. I'll admit I went too far with the awkwardosity.
AWC: Maybe a little.
Mary-anne: Stop making me hungry.
Narrator: Sorry....

"Medicinal mahjong???" AWC exclaimed. "This is just plain wrong! It's against my beliefs. Stand for this we must not! Dangerous asian games!" She scurried away from the group. "I've got to run home," she called back. "I'm going to make signs. First thing tomorrow, we will begin the protest! I don't want my darling pet rabbit being forced to play games of skill, strategy, calculation, and possibly chance!"

~ ~ ~

"Stay away..." Lemony the rabbit warned, holding a large metal towel rack in a defensive stance across his chest. "Do not me attack you with this towel hanger thing!"

Dorian the handbag cackled pursey laughter as it slowly advanced upon the terrified rabbit.

"Oh, look at my wrist, I'm late!" Lemony jumped up and scampered off, trying to make his way through the heaps of garbage that the raging purse had left lying all over the zen pagoda floor. "I'm late! I'm late! For a very important... Florence!"

Florence flew in the window, weilding the famed hello kitty fire extinguisher.

"Florence, you came back for me!" The rabbit hopped up onto the coffee table. The purse staggered over to it Samara-style and jumped up repeatedly trying to nab the little bunny.

"Mlhm... Mlahem, Mlahh!" Florence encouraged with the nozzle in his beak. He shook his head back and forth, and white foam spewed from the fire extinguisher, straight at the crazed but oh so stylish purse.

"Yum yum..." Dorian the wild purse was mumbling at its lapine quarry, when its creepy calls were drowned out by the gush of the chemical fire eliminator. "Not yum! NOT YUM... angry angry..."

"Hey what's going on?"

Lemony and Florence looked over to the window that Florence had left open. Peering through said window were the faces of Moe the Giraffe, and Raven the Raven.

"Nevermore...?" The raven questioned wisely.

"Wow. That purse definitely looks kind of evil." Moe stuck his long giraffey neck further through the window. "Hey, mindfriends of the anonymous one, whose wild purse is that?"

"AWC's!" Lemony yelled, jumping just out of reach of the purse's snapping jaws. "Its name is Dorian... I think CUJO would have suited it better!"

"Guy names," Moe mused. "That wild purse definitely does not look male to me."

"Yeah, well neither does Hannah Montana," Raven said. "But she keeps telling us she's got the best of both worlds, so I guess we don't know, do we? Nevermore."

"Haha, touche on behalf of both Hannah and Miley!" Moe said gleefully.

"Um..." Florence was trying to fend off Dorian by pushing gusts of wind at it with his wings, but it wasn't working. "Some help guys?!"

"Oh sure," Moe offered, tossing a fluffy pillow in through the window. "Use this to fight off the beast!"

Florence went to grab the pillow, but Dorian bit it first. Feathers flew everywhere, throughout the zen pagoda. The door flew open, and AWC stormed inside, only to be met by a storm of feathers to the face.

"This can only mean one thing," she growled. AWC stomped over to where the wild purse was now cowering from its master under the table, and she yanked it out by the italian leather handles. "EDWARD! You disguised yourself as a purse to stalk me!"

"It was the prettiest thing I could find to disguise myself as," the purse moaned. "Something worthy of my immortal beauty. So rare. So italian leather. I even smell good... for no reason! However, as a purse, my magic is severely limited, and I've found that I can't change myself back!" The wild purse began to sob. "I just wanted to hug your bunny rabbit, and it was so afraid, it ran! I'll never get loved by innocent victims... I mean... objects of my love... ever again!"

The purse sobbed, while AWC reluctantly petted it. "there there. Be this as a lesson to you, Edward, don't go looking through volturi spellbooks for transfiguration recipes. You'll end up as an overpriced italian item every time."

"I know that now," the handbag said through tears. "Can I still stay here?"

"NO!" Florence and Lemony shouted simultaneously.

"I'll keep you on a chain in the yard, okay?" AWC said. "I'll take you for walks frequently, and out there, Bill can keep an eye on you. If there's anyone more immortally sketchy than Edward, it's Bill Kaulitz." She frowned. "And Edward is a cheesy name. You're going to stay Dorian."

"Dorian..." the purse mused.

"That's right." AWC turned to the crowd. "Now... WHO MADE THIS BIG MESS?"

AWC: I did?
Narrator: No. That was just a Big Comfy Couch reference that nobody's gonna get.
Crickets: Ka-CHIRP
Dorian: I wonder what gnome blood tastes like. Is it better than heroin?
Mary-Anne: Medicinal M-J <3
Paolo: Ah... liberals...
Lemony: Liberals? Oh, so THAT's what mutant transfigured hungry purses are called?
Shadow: Yes, Lemony.
Raven: I bet you're not gonna guess what I'm gonna say next. Oh snap you did! Nevermore! That's right!
Moe: Political controversy!
AWC: (eyes squinted shut) apples apples apples apples...

Narrator: More political controversy in every episode means the plot must be getting thicker! Oh, and why did AWC randomly scream in the converstion with her wolf and bandit friends? (*shuffles through pages of script*) I can only figure it was because she was talking to a bandit and a wolf.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Chapter Eighteen ~ Happiness is a glue gun

Another day of twisting, curly tendrils of time wrapped tightly around AWC's ankles as she sat in the silence place. "If I had thicker socks I might slip them off," she said to herself inside her brain, "If I had thicker socks and longer hair."

Quietness hung around dangerously. "What a knot I'm in," she explained as the rain began to fall in heavy bouquets. "While the world around is so pretty."

Elton John came and sat down beside her. "You know what movie was good?" He asked.

"What?" AWC asked, looking up at him and knowing that a grain of pure wisdom was on it's way.

"Australia. With Nicole Kidman."

"You're only saying that because you contributed music to the soundtrack," AWC said, "you're just trying to get publicity through my published thoughts." She frowned. "Stop that!"

"Stop what?"

"Trying to worm your way into the minds of the nonexistant readers I don't know about!"

"What are you talking about?"

AWC glared. "Get out of my dreams now!"

Elton John grinned. "NEVER! Would you like a cupcake?"


"NOOOO!" AWC woke up screaming on the floor of her zen pagoda. The first thing she noticed once she had comforted her terrified pet rabbit was the shadow of a face in the window. She almost dropped the half filled mug of coffee she was holding up to Lemony's rabbity lips, but realized in time that it was only one of the lawn gnome substitutes.

"Stop watching me sleep, Bill!" AWC exclaimed. "It's creepy!"

"But I miss you!" Bill Kaulitz replied. "You never spend hours gazing at my hair anymore."

"I've moved on!" AWC said.

"To whom, Elton John? Yes that's right. I know you dream about Elton John. I heard you sleeptalk!"

"Oh my Oprah! You're even worse than Edward Cullen!" AWC frowned and tsk-tsked. "That kid really wanted to live on my lawn. Then eat me. He said something about me being his own brand of mutton or something. I never really could make sense of anything he said."

"But I'm different!" Bill cried, "you said we'd last forever!"

"Forever turned out to be longer than I thought." AWC shrugged. "Go figure."

A howl resonated from somewhere in the woods around the pagoda. "I could always eat him!" Boomed the voice of Shadow the angry wolf who thinks he's an owl. "He'd never ever bother you ever again. You'd just have to get someone to clean up the pellets after. I can hack up some real gross ones sometimes."

AWC and Lemony wrinkled their noses in disgust simultaneously. "I wonder what he pukes when he thinks he's puking pellets," Lemony whispered.

"Why oh why would you ever ask yourself that question?" AWC mourned. "Masochist rabbit! Those mental images are going to haunt you your entire life!"

"Not really. But the ones of Elton John's muffin will."


Another howl echoed, closer. "I'm really going to eat him guys!"

"SAVE ME!" Bill Kaulitz hammered on the window with his fists.

"AWC?" Sally wandered into the room and sat on the floor next to Lemony and AWC. "Why's Shadow gotta be so mean all the time? Coldhearted wolves scare me!"

"Now, now, he's not mean," AWC comforted. "Just really, really, really hungry."

"Oh." Sally frowned. "There was something I was supposed to tell you but I forgot."


"Shadow!" AWC called out, "not today!"


"No," AWC said, "Now go clean your pellets up! Go!"

In the window, Bill Kaultiz was smiling confidently, because tears of joy would not have been very manly in that situation and he was afraid for his forest position.

"What do you look so happy about?" AWC said, "I still think we need to take a break. Emo tunes aren't good for me right now."

"But what about my hair?" Bill pouted. "You love my hair."

"Oh, Bill, your hair will always be wonderful. But right now I need time to focus on just me. Understand?"

Bill nodded sadly.

"That was awful nice of you," Lemony said.

"Yeah," AWC replied, then whispered, "I couldn't really bear to lose him."

"Bear! That's what I was supposed to tell you!" Sally slapped her forehead. "Henri is spending the night at Mary-Anne's..."

"NO WAY!" AWC leapt to her feet. "I can't believe this! That maneater is sleeping with my bear AGAIN!"

"Well," Lemony reasoned, "she IS a maneater..."

"Which is why I thought my BEAR would be safe..." AWC growled.

"I think you need to invest in more loyal bears," Sally said.

"Baby come back!" a cheesy song began to play just outside the zen pagoda window. "You can blame it all on me!"

"Bill! I need my space!" AWC yelled as she stomped towards the door.

"RUN, BILL, RUN!" Lemony and Sally chorused.

"Eh, he's not gonna make it," Elton John chuckled.

Narrator: Oh wait. Elton John wasn't there. Quick! *roots through scrapped ideas on several loose pages* I need to find some sort of summary that will adequately fix plot-holes, eliminate all the out-of-character actions by characters, add a character or two in because basically no one was in chapter eighteen...
Paolo: That's not my fault! I was visiting Sakuraville!
Dragon Lady: That's not my fault either! I was visiting St. Anarchy's!
The Tome of Superiority: Nothing can ever be my fault. I'm the tome of Superiority, which clearly indicates, well, my superiority. But anyway, I had a date.
Mary-Anne: I was busy sleeping with Henri!
Shadow: I was busy trying on random clothing items at the store and taking pictures of how good they made me look.
Jack: It's a good thing for his self confidence that "good" is all relative!
Forget-me-not: I was forgotten.
Moe: I was watching a film with Zac Efron in it.
Dexter: I was trying to compose a plan with which I would sneakily take Bill's place as lawn gnome substitute <3<3<3 (I like to kill the bad people. And really, his hair is extremely sinister.)
Raven: To be, or not to be? To worship, in one way, or another? Who is Love Himself? More interestingly, WHY is Love Himself? Everyone knows where. Everywhere.
Narrator: You know what? Maybe I should interview Gaara of the Desert for the l.g.s. position.
AWC: Narrator! I can handle my own life!
Narrator: apparently you can't.
AWC: This is SO UNFAIR!!!
Narrator: This is SO off topic...
Bill: Baby come back...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Chapter Seventeen ~ Sing it!!!

Evening had fallen upon the forest, and AWC and a friendly local wallaby were watching the area's talent perform astounding feats. Intermission had just ended, and all the furry woodland creatures were scuffling back to their seats with tofu-dogs and ice cold beverages in paw.

"That's not talent..." the wallaby said. "That's a drunken raccoon." He turned to AWC, who was dancing with her arms raised high over her rabbity ears.

"I love his music," she sighed. "It speaks to me."

"That's what you said about Serj Tankian. And the Fratellis. And Air..."

"Lies!" AWC exclaimed, hands over ears. "Lies spew from his lips like bubblegum toothpaste!"

"OF WHAT DO YOU SPEAK?" The wallaby said indignantly. "My lies taste much better than that!"

"As if," said AWC, turning away dramatically. "Stop ruining this song for me. You whine more than a bitter liberal at a hot dog eating contest. Why can't you guys just accept tradition?"

"Did somebody say bitter liberal?" Paolo pushed through the crowd. "That's my job. Nobody better be taking my job. Unless it's another foreigner. The foreigners can take my job if they want."

"He's right about that though," AWC said nodding vigorously. "Without the cheap foreign labor it would be that much harder to get someone to wallpaper my door."

"Hm... door wallpaper..." the wallaby considered. "I've never thought about it before."

"It gives the allusion of being in a land without time elves or space demons," AWC said. "Total super spacy vortex effect."

"I should hire someone to do that," the wallaby decided.

"I'm available cheap!" Paolo exclaimed.

At that point, several freshman squirrels turned their heads simultaneously and stared.

"Does this remind you..." the wallaby said

"Of the sketchy squirrel - lemurish creeper in the Madagascar film? YES," AWC replied.

"Should we escape?"

"No, diversionary tactics will suffice," AWC kindly corrected.

"What kind of diversion?"

"HEY LOOK! THE WALRUS IS BACK!" AWC's face was overcome with a look of horror. "And she's brought Samara, the blair witch, and that thing from the attic in the Grudge!!!"

None of the squirrels moved or looked remotely frightened.

"Oh CENSORSHIP it's SERJ TANKIAN!" The wallaby pointed at a distant point in the forest and began openly weeping. The squirrels could tell by his good acting skills that something was not correct in the forest way, so they scampered off at top speed back into the abyss.

"Hey!!" AWC shouted after them. "His music speaks to me!"

"Freshmen," Paolo spoke sadly. "They wouldn't understand Serj Tankian. Come to think of it, neither do I. The same goes for the Fratellis. And as for Air..."

"Don't..." AWC glared. "Don't you dare..."

Mary-Anne the maneater and Loretta walked over easily, now that the crowd had dispersed and the clearing was, for the most part, empty. "Did someone say cheap foreign labor?" The dragon lady smiled a fanged smile. "I've been looking for someone to wallpaper my door."

"I've been looking for the president..." Mary-Anne stared off into the distance. "He's missing somehow." At that moment, she recieved a text message. "I have to answer..." she twitched addictedly. "It could be him..."

"Anybody want to put together an intervention?" AWC asked. "I'm sure there's enough people she's in the process of eating who care enough about her to help."

"No, it was only the tortoise," the maneater sighed. "Poor misunderstood sacrastic tortoise."

"I agree, he's a halfway decent tortoise, if ever one lived," Paolo replied, "but what are we intervening with? Her and her phone or her and the president?"

"It's pretty fifty fifty. I think his picture's still her background." Loretta leaned her dragony neck over the maneater's shoulder and checked. "Yep."

"It looks like too much work." AWC shook her head. "I give up. Maybe the president's just a maneater-eater."

"All the local foxes say he's the antichrist," the wallaby said.

"That's just the foxes." Loretta said.

"I like foxes," Paolo said. "They're all red fluffy and robin hoodlike."

"Lost in love and I don't know much..." the maneater sang.

"Woah. That's too much controversy for one forest. Begone!!!" AWC curled up on the ground, arms over her head. "Thoughts! Conflicting! Confusion!"

"We can save her!" the snow leopard said, "I know just how!"

At that moment, a huge mega-ultra-super-big-flat-screen tv glided down from the sky, floating delicately on the purple spotted yellow breeze. The leopard, dragon, and maneater all leapt onto it, with room for more!!!

"Quick! Hop on!" They chorused, "We can watch Miyazaki films and planet earth, and every movie in the clouds of creation!"

"Ok..." AWC got up dazedly, and followed the light.

"Wait? What about me?" The wallaby asked.

"It's your turn to sing," Paolo said. "You have to go to the stage."

The wallaby hopped away, knowing what it was to obey.

The other four flew away on the magic television set, high into the sky where the wind blows swiftly and the happy golden rays of the setting sun sang orange, red and pink ballads about what it is to live and to die.

Far below, Narcissa stared in awe at the flying electronic device. "The glider," she whispered. "The glider is among us once more."

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Chapter Sixteen ~ Lazy days

"I'm bored. I've got a bad case of ennui." AWC complained to her rabbit while the snowflakes gently fell outside of the Zen Pagoda.

Lemony nodded sympathetically and leaned his head against her knee, falling into a deep, soft sleep.

AWC frowned. "It's so boring today that even my rabbit has fallen asleep. What's up with that?" She gently placed the sleeping lapin on the floor and twirled away across the shiny zen pagoda floor in polka dotted socks. She could see that the window over the kitchen sink was open. "That's odd," she mused, wandering over to close it. "It's snowing... that window shouldn't be open."


A flaming arrow flew through the open window and hit the opposite wall, missing AWC's ears by inches. She could not help but notice there was a note attatched, and the edges were becoming mildly singed. "Egads, no good can come of this..." said she, as the flames began to spread.

"Over here!" AWC's attention was turned to the window, at which the fairy called Forget-me-not did hover. "Catch!" And with that the fairy hurled a Hello Kitty (TM) fire extinguisher that was four times her size at AWC.

AWC stared at the lurid pink metallic fire vanquishing device. "Alright," she said. "But I ordered fries with this. Where are my fries?"

"What? I'm a lawyer! You should have debated the fries issue earlier when fires were being considered. What? Would you forsake your fires for the fries? Then what would become of firefighters? And fryfighters, for that matter. And what of those who fry the fries? Would you take away thousands of jobs from frierfighters across This Great Nation?"

"I'm sorry," AWC said, shaking her head, and wearing a dazed expression. She never could understand anything lawyers had to say.

Frustrated, the fairy flew away.

"I'm sorry..." AWC trailed of dramatically, before aiming the fire extinguisher at the quickly spreading flames, and firing away. "This is why I don't watch Law & Order!!!"

Florence floated down from above and landed in a parrotesque fashion on her shoulder. "I wonder what the note says," AWC pondered.

"I wonder why they can't have just sent it through ME," Florence grumbled in his owly way.

"I'm an excellent messanger."

"Hush you," AWC chided, "You're lucky. Shadow never gets to deliver ANY messages."

"So what? He's a wolf!"


"I don't get this forest," muttered Florence, shifting his wings and flying away.

Once the fire had, for the most part, been erased, AWC cautiously approached the charred remains of the arrow and unfastened the note. "Great big rocking forest party..." she read aloud, "Be there at five thirty. All characters invited. There will be rice." She paused to ponder. "Well, if there's rice..."

Narrator: Who attends a party for rice? I mean, what is that? Hi, I like you, I enjoy spending time with your... rice?
Raven: NOOOO (*cough* nevermore)
Narrator: What, have a problem with r...
Narrator: WHAT? I only said ri...
Raven: No!!!
Narrator: Wait... you're one of those people... those orizaphobics!
Raven: How do you know... about... the disease.....
Narrator: I wikied it.
Raven: ...
Narrator: anyway...

Twenty percent of the woodland creatures appeared at the party on time. Forty percent of the woodland creatures appeared fifteen minutes late. Ten percent arrived early. Twenty nine percent showed up half an hour late.

At six ten, AWC made her barefooted way to the central bonfire in the Heavenly forest, where the party was to be held.

"Welcome friend!" the Dragon lady greeted, soaring up into the sky and breathing fire into the heavens like a many-scaled firework.

"Where's Narcissa?" AWC asked. Narcissa was regularly found with the dragon lady. Dragons and nymphs usually stay together, you see. However, although there were dancing raccoons, the odd sword swallowing beast, and masked turtles in the heat of battle, Narcissa was nowhere to be found.

"Oh, she is most likely writing angst-ridden poetry about photocopiers," Maryanne the Maneater offered.

"Or she's going to surprise us all with dangerous psychological shadows, the better to cause havoc..." Paolo the foreigner snow leopard shook his spotted head. "It's not natural."

"What's not natural is that new flo rida song," AWC corrected.

"Hey! I like it." Paolo pouted, jutting his fangs out to look simultaneously sulky and menacing. "It's groovy, okay?"

The maneater, dragon lady, and AWC stared. "Yeah okay..."

A moment of awkward silence followed, like the koolaid man after we shut him in the walk in freezer.

"It's my birthday," the dragon lady said.

"That's amazing," AWC said. "But my rabbit fell asleep so I forgot to make you a card."

"Happy birthday," Said Paolo, "But I was too busy flying to Nirvana on the wings of spotted moths to purchase for you a gift."

"Congratulations," the maneater said, "But I think I see Narcissa so everyone should probably hide if they don't want to develope multiple personality disorder. I mean, yes, it fits some people very well. Sybil? Made her famous. My cat..."

"Haven't you heard, though?" The tome of Superiority said, "it's called Dissociative identity disorder now."

Narrator: Yeah, he basically came out of nowhere. Don't like it? Deal with it.

"Where did you learn that?" AWC asked.

"That was a clever question, Belinda," the tome replied. "In fact, I wikied it. A wonderful device, wikipedia... almost as valuable as lioncash."

"My name's not Belinda..." AWC said. "My name's..."

"Beatrice! Of course!" The tome of superiority chortled with amusement. "How ever could I have forgotten?"

"It's AWC... don't you care about who I am as a person? Don't you even appreciate the social uniqueity and specialiation of my NAME??" Tears emerged in the corners of her sorrowful eyes.

"Your name is three letters..." The tome shrugged. "I am full of too much knowledge to remember such trivialities. For instance, if you were to ask me to read something you had written? I'd forget. That's just the way it is when you befriend pure genius."

"I knew you wouldn't understand..." AWC said, tossing her long golden hair over one shoulder, and leaving.

In her absence, the maneater, dragon lady, foreigner, and tome stood around awkwardly.

Narrator: My my this is an awkward chapter.

"So... what's her problem?" the maneater asked.

"Err... well... I didn't get her a lemonade. I think that's it." The tome shrugged.

"Ah." The snow leopard nodded. "Yes, I bet that's it. She does enjoy her lemonade."

"Should someone do something?" Loretta asked.

"Nah," Maryanne replied, "She locked her keys in the car. She's not going anywhere. Plus, it's beginning to rain."

"Is it?" The Tome of superiority asked with a gleeful glint in his eye.

Narcissa arrived on the scene, out of breath. "Happy birthday love," she said to the dragon lady, "I'm sorry I'm late. But I've heard the most amazing rumor and I had to spread it 'round, you know?" She chuckled. "You know you love me!"

"Well, what is it then?" Loretta asked, unimpressed.

"Raven's getting married. Tonight! At midnight! By that bonfire!!!" She pointed at the bonfire.

"NO WAY!!!" The others gasped. "To whom???"

"Nobody knows..." Narcissa giggled. "It's all been kept very hush hush. On the DL, if you know what I'm sayin."

"I'm still displeased," the dragon lady said huffily, "even though this is juicy. You were late! And it's my BIRTHDAY!!!"

"Oh, calm down," Narcissa rolled her eyes. "You'll forgive me."

"And why?" Loretta asked.

"I got you Chuck Bass for your birthday."

Narrator: the screaming continued on for a long time afterward, even when all the guests had departed. But meanwhile...

AWC, Shadow the Angry Wolf, Moe the Giraffe, and Jack the theif all sat around a smaller fire, elsewhere in the Humongous Party Arena of Celebration. Tents were being set up, and they were lucky enough to snag spots under one before the rain really hit. AWC was already soaked, however.

"That really was a rotten thing to do to a person," Moe said, shaking his head sadly. "I mean, who invites someone to a party and then forgets their name? It's despicable. It's mean. It's absolutely ludicrously riduculous."

"Yeah I know. I mean, that's almost as bad as not saving somebody a seat at church, a social event, or at one of my amazingalicious plays." Jack snorted. "Horrible. Callous."

"Totally. That's like... oh wait. You're making a big deal out of nothing." Shadow grunted. "Why does no one at this party appreciate football?"

AWC sniffed, choosing to ignore the last comment. "Yeah. And I tried to leave but my car was gone."

Narrator: Somewhere deep in the forest, the tome of superiority was sitting in a cozy armchair next to a telephone, with the phonebook on his lap open to the page of a listing for a local tow truck company. Mad chuckling ensued.

A couple short hours later...

Raven stood in front of the bonfire, a singed note clutched in his wingtips. "Nevermore," he commented wisely. "Well, I don't think I'm late." He pulled a pocketwatch out of his pocket. "Yep. Midnight. Just like it says." He sat down. "I wonder who this secret admirer is..."

"SURPRISE!" Paolo the foreigner snow leopard, Maryanne the Maneater, Loretta the Dragon lady, and Narcissa all came out from their hiding places and began throwing rice merrily at the fellow called Raven. "CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR MARRIAGE!!!"

"Nooo!" Raven's eyes grew wide like great big silver dollars. "It can't be! Not! RIICEEEE!!! NEVERMORE!"

He ran away quickly from the heaps of rice being thrown in his direction, but the much too merry partygoers chased him around the laughing bonfire, and did so until the sun came up.

I don't think he's ever going to be the same again.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Chapter Fifteen ~ I just can't take people seriously when they eat bananas

The birds in the heavenly forest chirped in harmony in the lovely midmorning. Rosy sunlight filled the woods around the Zen pagoda with cheerful fuzzy warm quietness. The walrus was sleeping, so the woodlanders felt safe and happy.

"NOOOO!!!!" AWC woke up in her zen pagoda screaming.

"Oh no!" Lemony exclaimed. "Florence, quick, remember our post-apocalyptic training?"

"Yes!" Florence flew in through the window, first aid kit strapped tightly to his back. "I knew this day would come!"

"Excellent! I'll get the fire extinguisher!"

"I've got the pickaxe!"

With that, the small rabbit and owl both ran out the door doing their best impressions of war cries. "We've got this covered, AWC, don't worry!" Lemony called back. "AAAAIIIIEEEEEE!!!!"

AWC sat and stared. "Well. Don't see that every morning."

"Hey!" AWC heard a shout. A rock came flying through one of the windows of the zen pagoda, crushing the glass into smitherines. "Oh, CRAP!"

"Paolo! You're such a moron! You're supposed to throw small rocks! Now she's got to think up a new window!"

"Why are you always so judgemental of me, Loretta? Ugh!"

"Anyone capable of using logic would see that you can't hurl a huge rock at a window and not expect it to break!"

"Guys, can't you just chill?"

AWC hobbled dazedly over to the hole in the wall and shiny pile of glass on the floor where the window used to be. "This is inconvenient," she said, trying to tiptoe around the glass pieces. Glass and bare feet don't go very well together. We tried setting them up once, but the whole affair got blown majorly out of proportion and the two never spoke again. They don't even take the same subway anymore!

Director: CUT! Ok. Narrator. Can I call you Narry? No? Ok. I think you're overdoing it a smidge with the whole personifying and the creepy and the...

Narrator: What? Can't I use my creative skills from time to time?

Director: Sorry, what creative skills?